Past Simple Tense

Your English Companion from yesterday.

The past simple tense is an essential tool for talking about things that happened before now. 

Let's break it down for Dutch learners, focusing on everyday situations:

1. Completed Actions:

The past simple is your go-to tense for actions that happened and finished at a specific time in the past. It's like marking an event on your calendar and saying, "This happened."

Voorbeeld (Example): Ik bezocht mijn oma gisteren. (I visited my grandma yesterday.)

Tip: Use specific time markers like "gisteren" (yesterday), "vorige week" (last week), or "twee jaar geleden" (two years ago) to show when the action took place.

2. Habits in the Past:

Just like the present simple describes current habits, the past simple describes habits that you used to have. 

These are things you did regularly in the past but don't do anymore.

Voorbeeld: Toen ik jong was, speelde ik elke dag buiten. (When I was young, I played outside every day.)

Tip: Phrases like "toen ik jong was" (when I was young), "vroeger" (formerly), or "in mijn jeugd" (in my youth) are helpful for talking about past habits.

3. Specific Situations and States:

The past simple also describes situations or states that were true for a period of time in the past. 

These can be permanent or temporary.

Voorbeeld: Hij werkte vijf jaar bij dat bedrijf. (He worked at that company for five years.)

Tip: Use the past simple to talk about your previous job, school, or living situation.

4. Series of Actions:

When you need to describe a series of actions in the past, the past simple is perfect. 

It helps you tell a story step by step.

Voorbeeld: Ik kwam thuis, maakte avondeten, en keek tv. (I came home, made dinner, and watched TV.)

Tip: Use this tense to narrate events in the order they happened.

5. Short Actions with Big Impact:

The past simple is also used for those short, impactful actions that occurred and finished quickly, often with lasting consequences.

Voorbeeld: Hij brak zijn arm tijdens het skiën. (He broke his arm while skiing.)

Tip: This usage is common in storytelling or when describing significant events in the past.

Remember, the past simple is your friend for talking about completed actions, past habits, specific situations, and series of events in clear, concise English.


Answer the following multiple-choice questions by selecting the correct option. Each question targets a specific aspect of the Past Simple tense, including its structure, usage, and differentiation between regular and irregular verbs.

Answer Key

Look at the video again and make the following exercices


Answer the following questions on the Past Simple tense. Choose the best answer for each question.


Answer Key

Vocabulary List: Pronunciation of 'ed' in Verbs