Present Simple Tense

Your Everyday English Companion

The present simple tense might seem simple, but it's actually a powerhouse for expressing many things in English! Here's a breakdown for Dutch learners, focusing on everyday situations:

1. Facts and Universal Truths:

Just like the saying "Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius," the present simple describes things that are generally true or happen all the time. It's like a reliable friend you can always count on.

2. Daily Routines and Habits:

Think of your daily routine: brushing your teeth, having breakfast, going to work. The present simple describes these regular actions you do without much thought.

3. Permanent Situations:

Some things, like where you live or your job, are (hopefully!) more permanent. The present simple reflects these ongoing situations.

4. Short Actions with Big Impact:

Imagine watching a football match. The present simple can be used for those quick, exciting moments that happen right now, like a player scoring a goal!

Remember, the present simple is your friend for talking about facts, routines, and ongoing situations in clear, concise English.


Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions about the present simple tense.

1. What do verb tenses show?

   a) The subject of the sentence

   b) The time that an action takes place

   c) The object of the sentence

   d) The location of the action

2. Which verb tense is used for repeated actions?

   a) Simple Present

   b) Past Perfect

   c) Future Continuous

   d) Present Perfect

3. What is an example of a repeated action in the simple present tense?

   a) I ate breakfast every day.

   b) I will read in bed every night.

   c) I am studying after school.

   d) I eat breakfast every day.

4. Which form of the verb is used with subject pronouns "I, you, we, or they"?

   a) Verb + s

   b) Base verb

   c) Past participle

   d) Future tense

5. Complete the sentence: "I walk to school ________."

   a) every day

   b) yesterday

   c) next week

   d) in the evening

6. Which form of the verb is used with subject pronouns "he, she, or it"?

   a) Verb + s

   b) Base verb

   c) Past participle

   d) Future tense

7. Complete the sentence: "He reads the newspaper ________."

   a) every day

   b) yesterday

   c) next week

   d) in the evening

8. Which form of the verb is used with plural subject nouns?

   a) Verb + s

   b) Base verb

   c) Past participle

   d) Future tense

9. Complete the sentence: "The students take the bus ________."

   a) every day

   b) yesterday

   c) next week

   d) in the evening

10. Which form of the verb is used with singular subject nouns?

    a) Verb + s

    b) Base verb

    c) Past participle

    d) Future tense

11. Complete the sentence: "The student walks to school ________."

    a) every day

    b) yesterday

    c) next week

    d) in the evening

12. Which form of the verb is used with non-count subject nouns?

    a) Verb + s

    b) Base verb

    c) Past participle

    d) Future tense

13. Complete the sentence: "Snow falls from the sky ________."

    a) every day

    b) yesterday

    c) next week

    d) in the evening

14. What is an example of a non-count subject noun in the simple present tense?

    a) The students take the bus to school.

    b) My dog always sleeps on my bed.

    c) Snow falls from the sky in winter.

    d) I eat breakfast every day.

15. True or False: Verb tenses show the location of an action.

    a) True

    b) False

16. True or False: The simple present tense is used for one-time actions.

    a) True

    b) False

17. True or False: The simple present tense is used for actions happening in the future.

    a) True

    b) False

18. True or False: We use a base verb when the subject pronoun is "he, she, or it".

    a) True

    b) False

19. True or False: The verb form "eats" is used with the subject noun "students".

    a) True

    b) False

20. True or False: The verb form "study" is used with the subject pronoun "we".

    a) True

    b) False

Answer Key

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Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions about the present simple tense.


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Lesson Plan: Simple Present Tense
Simple Present - Quiz